Reading Development Training

Biblionef offers teachers and schools a training course of two and a half-days special developed for schools and organizations who want to increase their knowledge in reading development. During this course, the following topics will be addressed:

  • language and reading development in children learning a foreign language in a multilingual context
  • structured provision of motivational reading activities for elementary school students (junior and senior) *
  • organization of events that stimulate reading motivation and reading pleasure.
  • various motivating, activating forms of work to promote reading for pupils in junior and senior grades.
  • Using children’s books in the classroom during world orientation/culture/understanding reading

*Depending on local needs, this course also offers methods for secondary education.

In addition, a half day training session will be organized, in which teacher supervisors are trained to further guide the schools. The following topics will be covered in this session:

  • guidance in organizing reading promotion activities at the elementary school
  • guidance in choosing children’s books and organizing activities around these books
  • exchanging and combining good practices of the participating teachers
  • observing and giving feedback on reading activities.