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Discover inspiring articles about our mission, the joy of reading and updates on our organisation here. Dive into a world where words spark imagination and books change lives.

Transformative Book – Dawn 

Talking about transformative books with fellow Biblionef volunteers, I couldn’t think of just one. How could that be? I love books and have been a voracious reader since I was young. Which book made the biggest impact on me? Which…

Cat and Dog now speak even more languages

Cat and Dog originated years ago on a blackboard in Ghana. In booklets, games and atlases, these brainchildren of René and Elke Leisink helped increase children’s English and, later, Dutch vocabulary. But Cat and Dog can do more. Together with…

Robbert Boonk: a new member of Biblionef Board

Robbert Boonk has joined Biblionef’s board. He has a diverse background, including roles as a trainer, speaker, manager, innovator, consultant, reader, father, and author. He believes education is crucial and is excited to contribute through Biblionef. He plans to help…