Robbert Boonk: a new member of Biblionef Board
Robbert Boonk has joined Biblionef’s board. He has a diverse background, including roles as a trainer, speaker, manager, innovator, consultant, reader, father, and author. He believes education is crucial and is excited to contribute through Biblionef. He plans to help with marketing, communication, and personnel policy, and aims to increase children’s pleasure in reading.

A perfect match
We welcome Robbert Boonk to Biblionef. ‘Education,’ he says, ’is perhaps the most important function in society. That I can contribute to that through Biblionef is wonderful.’
The cooperation between Robbert and Biblionef, is a perfect match. Among other things, he is a trainer, speaker, (change) manager, innovator, consultant, reader, father and, author, with an understanding of business management, marketing and personnel policy. And so, he really has everything he needs to be able to encourage and facilitate Biblionef and the teachers to whom we send the books, to get the best out of books for children.
He tells us about his background: ‘I originate in Eindhoven, where I studied commercial business administration and economics at the Higher Economics and Administrative Education (HEAO). My first jobs were in marketing: from assistant product manager to marketing manager. Then I became an independent consultant in marketing and management for many different organisations: from the police to education.’
Establishing Marketing and Business training
He was also asked to provide training to professionals, especially in marketing and business planning. ‘I bought the training institute I was working with, the IMMO. That was a relatively small agency. From there, a partner and I set up the Opleidingshuis/Flexhuis to train people distant from the labour market on behalf of the UWV, municipalities and integration companies. We then seconded them through the Flexhuis. We grew to 10 branches in the middle and south of the country employing some 200 people. In early 2000, I sold my share in that to start the health and safety service Stimulanz together with a friend. I also sold my share in that, in 2010, to switch to interim management in education (management positions at various training institutions).’
What attracts you so much to education? ‘It is a very fun, lively and interesting world, with generally very committed and enthusiastic teachers. They really have heart for what they do. Education is perhaps the most important function in society and there should be sufficient investment in it. The ministry and inspection in particular could be more open to innovation. There are many different forms of education that can be successful and interesting.’
A worthy and important cause
How did Robbert end up at Biblionef? ‘I am founder and chairman of the Writers’ Table in The Hague. The partner of one of our members is the chairman of Biblionef Netherlands. When a spot became available at the board table in November 2023, they thought of me. I didn’t have to think long about it! I think it is an incredibly interesting organisation with a very worthy and important cause.’
Increasing reading pleasure
What would he like to tackle for Biblionef? ‘For the time being, I just deal with what comes up. I also help think about marketing/communication. I also see personnel policy for permanent staff and volunteers as an important area of attention. Innovation is in my blood. So I will take an innovative look at projects and possibilities, thinking of new partnerships with other organisations, for example. Plus: training opportunities for teachers and others involved in the countries where Biblionef delivers the books. How they can best deal with the methods they receive. Everything to increase children’s pleasure in reading. That is the goal.’
Reader and writer
Robbert himself likes to read, and when he has the time, a lot. ‘Since childhood. I used to read the books my elder brother brought from the library. Sometimes I couldn’t stop and read through a whole night. My favourite book is Le Roi Vert, the Green King, by Paul-Loup Sulitzer. Highly recommended. It is incredibly important to develop yourself and reading makes your world so much larger, and more interesting. It enriches your life. So even though I am busy: I force myself to schedule at least an hour free every day to read. I also enjoy writing, including blogs, about what’s happening in the world and what I think about it.’
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