Category News

And so it was quiet

If you are familiar with Biblionef, you will know that we do a lot of work. Our team works throughout the year to make the joy of reading possible for children all over the world. This year, we were incredibly busy…

Biblionef vrijwilligers

Biblioneffers all together

After more than two years, numerous Biblionef board members, staff, and volunteers from different countries met for the traditional lunch. It was great to socialize with all, though many did regularly meet at work, even during pandemics, in the space…

Books and Workshop in Mutoto, Oeganda

With a box of books that we received from the charity Biblionef for the pre-schoolers and a lot of equipment, tools and toys, I travelled to Uganda together with a carpenter friend and a girlfriend.  With my charity Stichting Lot…

Supporting young readers on Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire

THE HAGUE – 23 March 2021 Biblionef and the Royal Library in the Netherlands teamed up earlier this year to send much needed books and library furniture to public libraries on Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire, Saint Eustatius, Saba and Saint Maarten.…

Giving Tuesday

During a time full of uncertainty, giving back to your favourite cause is more important than ever. It is time to take something positive from 2020 and unleash the power of giving. Biblionef has joined the global generosity movement called…

Stories for Inclusion

In partnership with Niketan, we introduce our project 'Stories for Inclusion' on creating and distributing disability-inclusive storybooks.

Face Mask Campaign – 1,000 children’s books for Ghana

“One book can make a lasting impression” COVID-19 has confined children over the world to their homes. Schools and libraries everywhere have closed their doors until further notice. While home-schooling and online classes are the logical next step for many,…

International Mother Language Day 2020

On International Mother Language day in February 2020, we hear Hindi, Spanish, French, Creole, Sranan Tongo, English and Dutch in a school on the island of St. Martin. Speaking and reading in your mother tongue is important. All children deserve…

Join us on Friday 29th March 2019 in The Hague!

Help us give books to children to open up their world! Rotary Club the Hague Metropolitan invites you to the Residentie Orkest concert Fazil Say back in The Hague on Friday the 29th of March By enjoying this excellent concert in…